Caregiver Tips For New Family Caregivers

Posted on February 25th, by Mark Winter in Caregiver Support Tip, Caregivers, Family Caregivers, Respite Care. 1 Comment

Caregiver Tips For New Family Caregivers

Family caregivers have many responsibilities to juggle each day.

It might have come completely without warning: an unexpected fall that resulted in a broken hip plus the need for Mom to have help and support to stay at home. Or, it may have been building up over the years, such as through the incremental and slow progression of Alzheimer’s. Regardless of the circumstances, you have now found yourself in the role of family caregiver, and maybe are wondering precisely what this means and how to navigate these uncharted waters. You could probably use some caregiver tips to help you get started.

First and foremost, take a good deep breath, and a moment to acknowledge the selflessness of your choice. Caregiving is a respectable and extremely rewarding undertaking, yet not without its challenges. A bit of proactive planning will go a long way towards an easier transition to care, both for yourself along with your loved one. A great starting point is to consider the manner in which you would both like each day to look, making a simple timeline to record the daily activities and tasks that will need your attention. For example:

  • 7 a.m.: Help Mom get out of bed, showered, dressed, and ready for the day
  • 8 a.m.: Make breakfast and clean up
  • 9 a.m.: Take Mom to physical therapy and/or exercise class
  • 11 a.m.: Run errands with (or for) Mom
  • 1 p.m.: Prepare lunch and clean up
  • 2 p.m.: Help Mom get settled in for afternoon activities: a film, reading, puzzles, nap, engaging in a favorite pastime or hobby, etc.
  • 6 p.m.: Make dinner and clean up
  • 8 p.m.: Help Mom with bedtime tasks – a bath, changing into pajamas, brushing teeth, etc.
  • 10 p.m.: Help Mom get into bed

Your list will be different for each day of course, nonetheless this offers a helpful guideline to let you know when you might have just a little downtime to yourself, and when you will need to provide hands-on help.

This is also a good time to determine boundaries together – and also to consent to adhere to them. Again, these will vary for each person and on different days, but decide what is essential to each of you: having a specified time every day for self-care and personal time, when family and friends can come to visit, whether or not you intend to maintain a job outside the home, etc.

Know that Hired Hands Homecare is always available for support in your caregiving role, and we’re always ready with helpful caregiver tips. We offer trusted respite care and home care in Walnut Creek and the surrounding communities to ensure you are able to look after yourself, as well as provide care for your aging parent. Contact us online or call us at (866) 940-4343 for additional information.

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