Why We Need to Rethink Aging Well

Why We Need to Rethink Aging Well

Hired Hands Homecare provides tips for aging well.

A quick Google search for the word “aging” produces topics such as “coping with aging,” “what you can do about aging,” as well as “the cure to aging.” The pessimistic connotations to aging are, regrettably, so embedded in our society that it is estimated that by 2027, the aging care industry will be worth $83.2 billion. While it’s very easy to get caught up in the issues that may be realized in aging well – health concerns, the passing of family and friends, and cognitive issues – what’s getting lost in the shuffle are the remarkable benefits of growing older. 

Consider, for instance:

  • A recent report by Stony Brook University announced that seniors are much happier generally, with reportedly decreasing feelings of anger and anxiety in old age.
  • Socialization and conflict resolution skills are better in old age, according to research performed by the University of Michigan.
  • In a game aimed to stimulate and analyze regret, older adults out-performed their younger counterparts with their ability to manage emotions.
  • And according to Cornell sociologist Karl Pillemer who interviewed 1,200 elderly people, the opinion was that the last five or ten years were in fact the happiest of their lives. “Many people said something along these lines: ‘I wish I’d learned to enjoy life on a daily basis and enjoy the moment when I was in my 30s instead of my 60s,’” Pillemer shares.

Not only that, but retired adults have the opportunity to explore and pursue hobbies and talents without the time demands of younger, employed adults, which may lead to a renewed zeal for life, new social ties, and enhanced bonds with existing friends and family.

Hired Hands Homecare helps emphasize the advantages of aging well in a variety of ways. Rather than simply coming in and taking over chores that a senior can no longer accomplish, we identify the person’s individual skills, empowering her or him to follow new hobbies with the support of a friendly caregiver. 

Whether it’s discovering a brand new skill or language, taking a vacation to a long-desired destination, deciding to get physically healthier, or whatever a senior’s goal, we are on hand to give inspiration, transportation and accompaniment, and a variety of other services to help older adults flourish and live life to the fullest.

Help the seniors in your life set and achieve new goals! Contact the top provider of Tri Valley home care and care in nearby areas at Hired Hands Homecare by phoning (866) 940-4343 or reaching out online. We’re happy to schedule an in-home consultation at any time and provide you with more information.

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Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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