Caregiver Support Tip

How to Become a More Patient Caregiver

Find the tips you need here to learn how to become a more patient caregiver.

Does your blood pressure soar once you finally finish filling your cart with groceries, simply to find only one checkout lane open and a line of aggravated shoppers in front of you? Or when you arrive 5 minutes early for a doctor’s appointment, but have to wait 40 minutes to be seen? Many people just seem to exude an innate sense of patience, regardless of the circumstances. Wouldn’t you like to know their secret, particularly when it comes to knowing how to become a more patient caregiver for someone you love?

Could Alzheimer’s Disease Be an Autoimmune Condition?

Could Alzheimer’s disease be an autoimmune condition? Find out here!

Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s has become as tangled as the tau threads long thought to be the root cause of the disease. But now, research workers may be drawing one step closer to unraveling the puzzle of Alzheimer’s, by using a different train of thought. New studies are leaning towards the potential of an inflammatory response in the brain, which poses the question: could Alzheimer’s disease be an autoimmune condition?

What Is Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery and Is It Right for Someone I Love?

Learn about Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery to see if it might be helpful for someone you love.

For individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, the challenges of managing balance, mobility, and overall movement can be profound. As the disease progresses, these difficulties may increase, leading many to assume that less physical activity might be beneficial. However, this assumption is counter to what medical experts and extensive research suggest. In fact, increasing physical activity is strongly encouraged because of its numerous documented benefits in managing Parkinson’s symptoms. In fact, it’s believed to be on par with the adherence to prescribed medications for its role in effective disease management.

The Incredible Benefits of Hugs for Seniors

The benefits of hugs for seniors may surprise you!

Remember during the height of the pandemic, when social distancing was the norm and we needed to be satisfied with virtual visits? One of the most basic aspects of being a human – physical touch – was put aside in order to protect us all from harm.

Get Cooking With These Creative Dementia Care Activities

If there’s one thing that connects us all, it’s food! Think about how many cherished memories have been made through the years that included food at the center of them all: holiday meals, birthday parties, wedding celebrations. Even ordinary days include routines that become ingrained in us around food, from that first aromatic cup of coffee in the morning to a shared bowl of buttery popcorn with family while watching a show on television.

It really is no surprise that food is not just a necessity for our physical health, but often a powerful way to connect with someone with dementia. Here are several creative dementia care activities you can try to help spark memories while engaging all the senses through food.

Storytelling. Pull out an old cookbook and look through the recipes together to determine if any spark memories. … Read More »

What to Do When a Parent Refuses Care

When a parent refuses care, these tips can help you come to a resolution.

Let’s say you’re starting to notice some warning signs that cause you to worry about Dad’s ability to continue to take care of himself. Perhaps he’s struggling to maintain the home the way he always has. Or maybe he had a close call while driving that could have caused injury to himself or another person. Maybe he just seems more disoriented lately. Whatever the reason, you’ve decided to talk with him about home care services. The problem is, he refuses to even entertain the idea. What are you to do when a parent refuses care that they desperately need?

If you’re at an impasse on how to proceed, these ideas can be helpful.

Let him know you’re in this together. Digging in your heels and … Read More »

The Health Concerns That Could Be Causing Chronic Negativity in an Older Loved One

If you’re noticing chronic negativity in an older loved one, there may be a medical condition to blame.

We all have good days and bad days, and we are all entitled to a bit of crankiness or negative thinking every now and then. If you are noticing a pattern of chronic negativity in an older loved one, however, it is worthwhile to explore whether a health problem might be the culprit.

Listed below are several reasons for persistent negativity, and how you can help.

Pain. A recent study revealed that participants who were enduring chronic pain reported a rise in negative moods, including fatigue, anger, tension, depression, anxiety, and more. It is essential to discuss any of these mood changes with the physician, as these kinds of mood changes actually impact the effectiveness of pain management treatments.
Urinary tract infections. … Read More »

Improve Memory With These Simple Strategies

Help improve memory for someone you love with dementia with these proven tactics.

Remember memorizing the order of the colors of the rainbow in elementary school? A lot of us were introduced to Roy G. Biv to learn this feat – one of the many mnemonics we learn that, interestingly, often stay with us for a lifetime and help us improve memory.

As we get older, some degree of memory impairment is to be anticipated; and naturally it is even more pronounced when Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia is a factor. Researchers are continually aiming to find effective methods to enhance memory and cognitive functioning, and have discovered some interesting findings on “old school” strategies such as mnemonics. Here’s what they have most recently identified:


Mnemonics provides a link to a memory through a song, … Read More »

Do You Know When and How to Downsize for Seniors with Dementia?

Seniors with dementia can benefit from downsizing.

It’s clear that the family home is just too overwhelming for Mom and Dad to care for. A small home is for sale just around the corner from you that’s ideal: a beautiful flower garden in the front yard, a sunny, cheerful kitchen, and no stairs to navigate. Now it is time to begin the downsizing process. The only problem? Mom has dementia.

Any level of change can be very challenging for a senior with dementia. Leaving the familiarity of home and moving into a brand new one can enhance feelings of anxiety and agitation, but there are strategies to ease the transition.

Take your time. It can be your natural thought to make this process as quick as possible – like ripping off a band-aid. However, a much better approach in … Read More »

How to Be a Partner and Not a Parent as a Spousal Caregiver

We have tips to help you maintain your relationship while being a spousal caregiver.

Healthy, long-term relationships take commitment, sacrifice, and compromise. The happiest relationships are those where both parties selflessly take care of each other. This balance shifts, however, if the person you love experiences a significant health concern. And this shift can have a devastating effect on the dynamics of your relationship if you’re not vigilant, as you find yourself in the role of a spousal caregiver.

It’s natural to want to help your spouse in whatever way you can as their health needs change. However, it’s vital that you ensure you are not sacrificing your romantic connection in the process. Attempting to parent your partner can result in resentment – for both of you. To promote healthy boundaries, keep the following in mind:

• Find … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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Hidden Disabilities in Seniors: How to Recognize and Combat Ableism

What’s your first thought when you see an individual in a wheelchair? Do you view that person as less-than, someone in need of...

Having Fun with Emergency Preparedness!

We had a great time yesterday supporting an informative and engaging Emergency Prep seminar presented by Emergency Prep Help.  This organization does an amazing...

Feeling Bored as a Caregiver? Try These Ideas!

If you’re feeling bored as a caregiver, try these helpful suggestions.

It’s hard to admit but even harder to avoid. Feeling bored...