Elder Abuse

Learn About the Scam Targeting Lonely Seniors and How You Can Help

If you haven’t heard yet about the new scam targeting lonely seniors, be sure to read on to learn how to protect those you love.

Sadly, loneliness in older adults is quite common, for a variety of reasons. Mobility issues, chronic health conditions, and the loss of family and friends are all contributing factors. Yet humans are social creatures, and this lack of socialization has many seniors turning to online sources for connection – such as dating websites. While this may seem harmless or even beneficial, there can be hidden dangers for seniors specifically, known as sweetheart scammers. Here’s what to watch for to help keep those you love safe from the scam targeting lonely seniors:

Take These Steps to Prevent Financial Elder Abuse

Protect the seniors you love from financial elder abuse with these tips.

When asked whether they thought they might be at risk for financial elder abuse or fraud, the overwhelming majority of surveyed older adults – 81%, in fact – were confident that they would never fall for a scam. We all want to believe we’re too savvy and smart to be taken advantage of; but the reality is, many scammers are even smarter and savvier. 

And though we might assume that financial fraud mostly occurs at the hands of strangers, the truth is that as many as two out of three of all financial crimes are committed by people the victim knows and trusts. 

The good news is, there are several steps that seniors and their loved ones can take to protect themselves:

Register with EverSafe (or a … Read More »

Protecting Seniors Against Elder Abuse

Watch for these warning signs to protect seniors against elder abuse.

As the seniors in your life become older and lose some of their physical and/or mental abilities, they become more susceptible to elder abuse and less equipped to protect themselves. Elder abuse is real and can have a traumatizing effect on the seniors in your life. It’s important that to protect seniors against elder abuse, including physical, emotional, financial, or sexual abuse, you know the proper precautions to take and are aware of the key warning signs. 

The best way to help prevent elder abuse is to visit and call the seniors in your life often. The more you can see a senior loved one in person or hear their voice, the more you will be able to notice changes in or on their body and in … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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