Senior Fall Prevention

Having Fun with Emergency Preparedness!

We had a great time yesterday supporting an informative and engaging Emergency Prep seminar presented by Emergency Prep Help.  This organization does an amazing job working throughout our community to prepare seniors for natural disasters and other emergencies.  Their program is extremely informative for seniors, and we fully support their philosophy that proper education and preparedness will be extremely beneficial should a wildfire or other natural disaster happen in our community.  More information and resources, as well as a schedule of future presentations, can be found at

Getting to the Root of Restlessness in Dementia

Uncover the reason behind restlessness in dementia in someone you love by answering these key questions.

Pacing. Fidgeting. Wandering. When you begin to notice these signs in someone you love with dementia, it’s time to take action before they escalate to agitation, aggression, or leaving the home. But figuring out why the person is feeling restless in dementia is sometimes half the battle.

Are the Older Adults You Love Missing Out on These Life-Changing Adaptive Tools?

As many as half of all seniors living at home are not utilizing life-changing adaptive tools.

Consider the many tools you make use of each day – your phone, toothbrush, hairbrush – simple items, but ones you can’t imagine living without. For many seniors, there are basic but life-changing adaptive tools available that could mean the difference between living at home and facing a move to assisted living. Yet almost 50% of seniors living at home are not utilizing these helpful tools – even though costs are minimal.

A recent National Health and Aging Trends Study assessed the ability of older adults to execute tasks such as rising unassisted from a sitting position and walking, and discovered that a large number of the participants could benefit from assistive devices.

Not only that, but the likelihood of older adult … Read More »

The Increase in Senior Falls From Medications and How You Can Prevent Them

Studies are showing an increase in senior falls from medications, making it imperative to know what to do to reduce fall risk.

We’ve known for a while that there are certain medications that raise the likelihood of falls for seniors. Twenty years ago, a little over half of seniors were impacted by that risk; yet today, that number has increased dramatically – to a staggering 94% of older adults who are now in danger of senior falls from medications. Additionally, deaths from such falls are happening at more than twice the earlier rate.

Researchers who observed this growing concern also discovered that between 1999 and 2017, senior prescriptions for medications that escalate fall risk were filled more than 7.8 billion times. This consists of a spike from 12 million antidepressants in 1999 to greater than 52 million in … Read More »

Helping Your Parents Downsize? Here’s What You Need to Know.

Helping your parents downsize is a much smoother process with these tips!

Take a moment and look around your home and surroundings – the pictures on the walls, collectibles, furniture, books, and memorabilia that all are part of the story of your life and who you are as an individual. Now think about having to part with most of those items in order to move into a smaller home or a family member’s home. You can imagine how overwhelming it would feel. It’s important to keep this in mind if you’re helping your parents downsize.

How Can I Help Make Downsizing Easier?

If your parents are faced with the need to downsize, there are a number of steps you can take to simplify and ease the process. These guidelines from a professional organizer are a great place to … Read More »

How to Help Seniors After a Fall to Regain Confidence

Discover how to help seniors after a fall to regain the confidence they need to stay active while preventing a second fall.

While comedians and circus clowns may stir audiences to laughter over such stunts as slipping on a banana peel, there’s nothing funny about falling when it comes to seniors, who are at an elevated risk for serious injuries which could lead to a long rehabilitation process. Not just that, but there’s a lesser known complication that typically comes from a senior’s fall: a fear of falling again which is extreme enough to impact quality of life and health. Knowing how to help seniors after a fall to feel safe and secure again is crucial.

As the saying goes, “Once bitten, twice shy.” It is natural – and sensible – for a loved one who has fallen … Read More »

Can Planning for Senior Falls Actually Prevent Them?

Senior falls can have serious consequences, but with a plan, the risk for falls can be greatly reduced.

Senior falls are all too frequent and may have serious outcomes. Taking preventative measures is key, such as examining the house for fall risks like area rugs and various tripping hazards, inadequate lighting, and a lack of appropriate grab bars and railings. But there is also a new strategy being advised now: creating a fall plan of care, which, when utilized correctly, has been shown to reduce fall-related emergency room visits up to 40%.

So while we absolutely don’t want to plan for a loved one to fall, we are able to be better equipped by helping the person take the following steps:

Stay vigilant – Avoid letting your mind wander and instead maintain your full focus on your surroundings.
Check vision … Read More »

Senior Independence vs. Safety: A Common Family Conflict

It’s not uncommon for families to have conflict over honoring senior independence vs. safety.

It’s a conflict that occurs for numerous families: seniors are adamant about wanting to age in place in their own home, while their relatives worry about their safety and well-being. And there’s an argument to be made in both scenarios. Seniors, specifically individuals who live alone, confront multiple risks: falls that could possibly result in significant injury, trouble in maintaining the lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed as aging progresses, even a susceptibility to scam artists. Nonetheless, senior independence is one of the keys to self-worth. 

Identifying a balance that fits the requirements of both sides may be challenging, but there are several important factors to consider that can make a difference.

Let go of ageism. While there is credibility to worries over safety for … Read More »

Avoid a Hospital Visit for the Seniors You Love This Holiday Season With These Tips

While we may envision a Norman Rockwell-worthy Thanksgiving celebration, with the whole family enjoying quality time together and Grandma’s traditional feast, the reality for many families includes something unexpected: a hospital visit. In fact, statistics show that E/R visits for the elderly jump an astounding 10 – 20% during the holidays. What can you do to avoid a hospital visit this holiday season?

While pinpointing the exact reasoning behind this increase is difficult, it stands to reason that one factor could be family members who haven’t spent time with an elderly relative in the months prior to the holiday season, only to discover then that his or her condition has deteriorated.

Dr. Tamara Kuittinen of Lenox Hill Hospital explains, “It’s an issue of out of sight, out of mind for many people. If you haven’t seen your mom … Read More »

“I Don’t Need a Caregiver!”: Tips to Help an Elderly Parent Refusing Care

Learn how an older adult may retaliate when you recommend an in-home caregiver.

Although many older adults adapt quickly when a new caregiver comes into the home, and begin to thrive and enjoy a higher quality of life, there are some seniors who may continue to feel threatened. What do you do if your elderly parent is refusing care? At Hired Hands Homecare, providers of elder care in Marin, we’re sensitive to the feelings of each senior we serve and are experienced in helping to ease concerns and restore peace. 

A senior who feels the need to convince his or her family that a caregiver is simply not necessary may implement one of these common tactics:

Becoming argumentative. Frustrations at being perceived as incapable of self-care may display as an increase in arguments, even over seemingly trivial matters. It’s … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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What You Need to Know About End-of-Life Dementia Care

Caring for a loved one as they near the end of life is an incredibly personal journey. When Alzheimer’s disease is part of...

The Importance of a Daily Routine for Someone With Dementia

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Flo is such a Caregiver PRO!

The Hired Hands Team is excited to celebrate Florence as our next Caregiver of the Month!

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