Senior Nutrition

How Care for Diabetes in Seniors Is Different

Caring for diabetes in seniors may look a little different, as explained by the top providers of home care assistance in Kentfield and the surrounding areas.

Diabetes is a complex condition, and managing it effectively can be challenging regardless of age. And although it seems intuitive to know the importance of managing blood glucose levels, there’s actually so much more to it than that, especially when caring for diabetes in seniors. 

Health Risks Of Ibuprofen and Naproxen

As we grow older, most of us develop aches and pains. Sometimes we overlook the pain and get on with life, but other times soreness and pain interfere with our activities. But rather than simply swallowing a few pain pills from your medicine cabinet, you should know about recent FDA warnings about the health risks of ibuprofen and naproxen. 

These over-the-counter pain relievers, sold under various brand names, such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve, can be quite helpful. But as with any medicines, prescription or over-the-counter, they must be taken with caution, particularly because the FDA has confirmed that these have a hidden danger.

Although the FDA has long warned that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may potentially boost the danger of heart disease and stroke, the wording of this warning has been modified to reflect a more serious nature, … Read More »

Dehydration in Seniors: Warning Signs & Tips to Help Stay Hydrated

Dehydration in seniors is common and can lead to health issues if not addressed.

Did you realize…approximately 50% of all older adults are chronically under-hydrated, according to a recent study conducted at UCLA? Not only that, but seniors over age 65 account for the highest category of hospital admissions because of dehydration.

Dehydration in seniors can sneak up quickly because they often have a decreased sensation of thirst, can experience medication side effects that can cause hydration problems, or they mistakenly believe that drinking less will reduce incontinence issues.

Senior dehydration is extremely dangerous, increasing the risk for health issues such as:

Kidney stones and/or failure
Blood clots
Hypovolemic shock
And many others

Dehydration is generally detected by the following symptoms:

Early stages:

Decreased amount/darker-colored urine
Dry mouth
Feelings of weakness, dizziness, and/or exhaustion
Muscle cramps

Advanced stages:

Confusion and disorientation, such as problems with walking
Low … Read More »

Which Diet for Seniors Is Better: Nutritional Supplements, or Natural Foods?

Find the information you need to choose the best diet for seniors.

Determining the best diet for seniors can be challenging. With the many factors that impact an older adult’s ability to maintain a healthy diet, it’s important to know how to obtain the most nutritional punch for the foods your older loved ones are willing or able to consume.

Nutritional supplements, such as Boost and Ensure, are often recommended for the elderly, in order to ensure necessary vitamins and minerals are consumed each day, but many people wonder how these drinks stack up to real, natural foods. We decided to find out!

We first looked at two healthy food options that are easy, convenient, and low in cost for seniors to enjoy for breakfast or a snack: low-fat yogurt, and an orange. Together, these foods offer … Read More »

Senior Malnutrition Is Surprisingly Common. Learn How to Detect and Prevent It Here.

Keep your loved one’s safe from senior malnutrition.

Remember getting together for Sunday meals at Grandma’s house, when everyone gathered around the table for a home-cooked meal, conversations, and laughter? Unfortunately, with so many families now living at a distance from their elderly loved ones, and with so many varying needs pulling us in multiple directions, it’s hard to maintain this tradition – and it may be just one of the factors contributing to a recent dramatic increase in senior malnutrition.

In fact, as many as 25% of all adults over age 65 in the U.S. are malnourished, triggering critical health concerns. For some seniors who live alone, they simply aren’t inclined to want to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. Others are undergoing feelings of grief, depression, anxiety, cognitive difficulties, poverty, medication side effects, and many other influencers … Read More »

Good Nutrition for the Elderly Begins with Asking These 5 Questions

Ensure good nutrition for elderly loved ones with these tips.

A mother’s love for her children has no age limitations. And parents of all ages want more than anything to protect their children from problems, which can sometimes mean concealing their own concerns. Moreover, when family live at a distance, it can be especially challenging to ensure good nutrition for elderly loved ones. Contact us online or call us at (866) 940-4343 to learn about how we can help your loved ones thrive.

One of the top challenges in aging is a decline in meeting nutritional needs. If you suspect that your older loved ones may not be getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy and well, this quick assessment can help pinpoint potential red flags that could indicate a problem with nutrition:

Has your loved one mentioned … Read More »

The Link Between Senior Nutrition and Dementia: Reduce the Risk with These Tips

Poor senior nutrition may be linked to dementia.

Although there are a variety of age-related issues that can impact senior nutrition, research is now pointing to an even greater reason for ensuring our older loved ones stick to a healthy diet: potential cognitive impairment. And malnutrition in older adults is more common than you may think. According to the National Resource on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Aging, upwards of 35 to 50% of the elderly residents of long-term care facilities are struggling with malnutrition, and as many as 65% of older hospitalized adults are estimated to be malnourished as well.

Malnourished older adults are twice as likely to see the doctor, and three times as likely to be hospitalized. They also encounter lessened muscle strength and poor healing. Not only that, but a recent study points to the … Read More »

The Power Foods to Reduce Stress During the Holidays – And How Home Care Can Help

As much joy as the holiday season brings, there’s also often an overwhelming level of stress, particularly for busy family caregivers who are already stretched thin. The additional responsibilities of shopping, baking, attending parties and events, and so much more can make it difficult to feel that all is calm and bright!

At Hired Hands Homecare, the top providers of Sonoma home care and senior care services in the surrounding areas, it’s our goal to partner with families to provide the dependable, professional care services that help restore a healthy life balance – even (and especially!) during the hectic pace of the holidays. One of the many ways we can help is through planning and preparing nutritious meals for seniors, and when stress levels are elevated, including these types of foods to reduce stress:

Whole grains. A great source of … Read More »

New Guidelines and Recommendations for Diabetes Management

Important new diabetes management guidelines for seniors from the Endocrine Society.

The latest guidelines from the Endocrine Society concerning diabetes management and the elderly are unexpected, to say the least: lower blood sugar isn’t always best. And for individuals who’ve been maintaining a routine of finger pricks, insulin injections, and keeping careful track of food intake, this alteration may be a bit hard to swallow.

Known as de-intensification, geriatricians are now often taking the strategy with older adults that the benefits to be attained by aiming for rigid blood sugar control are not outweighing the health risks inherent with aging and illness. When A1c and blood sugar levels are held at low levels in the elderly, for instance, it may possibly result in an increased frequency of hypoglycemia and also kidney failure.

With up to one in … Read More »

6 Tips to Try When Chemotherapy Affects Appetite

Chemotherapy can impact a person’s appetite, but these tips can help.

Eating healthy is especially crucial for those undergoing chemotherapy or another type of cancer treatment, but one of the major side effects preventing patients from eating well is a change in how foods taste. It’s important to overcome this and other obstacles to healthy eating in order to maintain the strength needed for chemotherapy treatments and protect against infections. Eating a balanced diet may even help cancer patients better manage higher doses of certain types of medications.

When experiencing challenges with taste changes that interfere with adhering to a recommended dietary plan during cancer treatment, the following cancer nutrition tips from Hired Hands Homecare, providers of the the best senior care Santa Rosa, CA seniors need, can help:

Experiment with different food temperatures. For some people … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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Hidden Disabilities in Seniors: How to Recognize and Combat Ableism

What’s your first thought when you see an individual in a wheelchair? Do you view that person as less-than, someone in need of...

Having Fun with Emergency Preparedness!

We had a great time yesterday supporting an informative and engaging Emergency Prep seminar presented by Emergency Prep Help.  This organization does an amazing...

Feeling Bored as a Caregiver? Try These Ideas!

If you’re feeling bored as a caregiver, try these helpful suggestions.

It’s hard to admit but even harder to avoid. Feeling bored...