Search Results for "senior health"

The Post-Pandemic Health Care Appointments You Should Schedule Today

Learn about three post-pandemic health care appointments you may have been putting off, and why you should get them scheduled.

At the start of the pandemic, life as we knew it came to a screeching halt – including, in many cases, our health care needs. Dr. Ned Sharpless, director of the National Cancer Institute, shares, “There was a time, early in the pandemic, when we didn’t know much about this virus. So at that time, I think hospitals and clinics closing – that made sense.” But he goes on to explain that we know more now – and now is the time to get back on track with post-pandemic health care appointments and procedures.

We have evidence now that the health risks of avoiding exams and tests outweighs the risk of contracting COVID-19. Experts have outlined three key … Read More »

The Increase in Senior Falls From Medications and How You Can Prevent Them

Studies are showing an increase in senior falls from medications, making it imperative to know what to do to reduce fall risk.

We’ve known for a while that there are certain medications that raise the likelihood of falls for seniors. Twenty years ago, a little over half of seniors were impacted by that risk; yet today, that number has increased dramatically – to a staggering 94% of older adults who are now in danger of senior falls from medications. Additionally, deaths from such falls are happening at more than twice the earlier rate.

Researchers who observed this growing concern also discovered that between 1999 and 2017, senior prescriptions for medications that escalate fall risk were filled more than 7.8 billion times. This consists of a spike from 12 million antidepressants in 1999 to greater than 52 million in … Read More »

Learn About the Scam Targeting Lonely Seniors and How You Can Help

If you haven’t heard yet about the new scam targeting lonely seniors, be sure to read on to learn how to protect those you love.

Sadly, loneliness in older adults is quite common, for a variety of reasons. Mobility issues, chronic health conditions, and the loss of family and friends are all contributing factors. Yet humans are social creatures, and this lack of socialization has many seniors turning to online sources for connection – such as dating websites. While this may seem harmless or even beneficial, there can be hidden dangers for seniors specifically, known as sweetheart scammers. Here’s what to watch for to help keep those you love safe from the scam targeting lonely seniors:

How to Help Seniors After a Fall to Regain Confidence

Discover how to help seniors after a fall to regain the confidence they need to stay active while preventing a second fall.

While comedians and circus clowns may stir audiences to laughter over such stunts as slipping on a banana peel, there’s nothing funny about falling when it comes to seniors, who are at an elevated risk for serious injuries which could lead to a long rehabilitation process. Not just that, but there’s a lesser known complication that typically comes from a senior’s fall: a fear of falling again which is extreme enough to impact quality of life and health. Knowing how to help seniors after a fall to feel safe and secure again is crucial.

As the saying goes, “Once bitten, twice shy.” It is natural – and sensible – for a loved one who has fallen … Read More »

Tips to Make the Most From Family Senior Care Meetings

Make family senior care meetings more productive and efficient with these tips.

“It takes a village” was never a more accurate statement than when taking care of an older family member. It’s important for that “village” to have effective, ongoing communication so that you can offer the best care and to make sure everyone taking part in that care is on the same page. It’s also critical for family caregivers to have the opportunity to express concerns and to come together to get to resolutions, to share various perspectives, and to continue to be proactive in preparing for the future.

Holding senior family care meetings that produce good outcomes includes thinking through the following:

Who should always be included – and who should not? Unquestionably, those providing direct or indirect care for the senior loved one should attend, as … Read More »

How to Approach Money Management Issues With Seniors

Money management issues with seniors need to be addressed tactfully and with sensitivity.

Among the most difficult obstacles for older adults is recognizing the need for help with financial matters. Finances are both extremely personal and a representation of your autonomy, and adult children specifically can often be met with opposition when stepping into this arena when suspecting money management issues with seniors. 

However, for a number of reasons, including the ever-increasing incidence of senior scams and cognitive decline, it’s essential to make sure that the financial assets our senior loved ones have acquired through the years are safeguarded, and that bills are paid correctly and on time. It’s an issue that needs to be taken care of delicately and with diplomacy. Try these strategies for an easy transition to assisting a loved one with monetary management:

The introductory … Read More »

5 Tips to Effectively Manage Paranoia in Seniors

Paranoia in seniors with dementia can be challenging, but these tips can help.

“I’m telling you, there’s a dog in my closet! I hear it growling all night long. We’ve got to track down its owner!”

Listening to a senior loved one express concerns like this that you know to be untrue is distressing – however, not unheard of. Your first instinct may well be to try and rationalize with the person with a response such as, “Nonsense! There is no way a dog could have gotten into the closet!” However, for various reasons, this could be the least effective technique to handle unreasonable thoughts and paranoia in seniors.

Instead, we at Hired Hands Homecare propose the following tactics which will help bring back a sense of calm and wellbeing:

First, schedule an appointment with the senior’s physician. It … Read More »

This Lifestyle Change Can Turn Back Time to Improve Heart Health

Improve heart health with this one simple lifestyle change!

In our younger years, physical activity was a given. Our days were filled with participating in sports programs, recess on the playground, and games of tag with friends. All of this naturally gave our heart the workout it needed to stay healthy. But as we grow older, a more sedentary lifestyle can settle in – having serious repercussions on our hearts, including stiffness, a decreased efficiency in oxygen production, and an elevated risk of heart disease and failure. Is there anything we can do to improve heart health and possibly even restore its functioning to what it was when we were younger?

How To Encourage Doctor Visits for Seniors

Learn how to help a reluctant senior follow through with doctors’ visits.

Let’s face it: a lot of us delay going to the doctor’s office. It could be somewhat uncomfortable, and downright distressing when something is wrong and we’re looking at the prospect of an unwanted diagnosis. Even so, we understand it’s wise to complete what’s best for our health and wellbeing and to be diligent about receiving necessary medical care. 

Protect Senior Skin with These Tips

These tips can help protect senior skin from bruising, and heal bruises if they do occur.

You can blame it on the environment, changes in hormones, medications, and even the sun: our skin as we age is affected by a variety of factors, leading to thinning and an enhanced risk of bruising. As a result, it’s helpful to take proactive measures to protect senior skin from injury. Try the following tips:

Rearrange furniture and get rid of any clutter to reduce the chance of bumps and bruises.
Keep the skin moisturized, and always use sunscreen of at least 30 SPF or higher.
Talk with the senior’s physician about the impact of any medications on the skin. In particular, the long-term use of steroids, blood thinners, fish oil and vitamin E can enhance the risk of bruises.
Encourage the older adult to wear … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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Tips to Overcome the Challenges of Medical Tests for Older Adults

Ease the process of medical tests for older adults with these tips.

There’s often nothing “routine” about a routine checkup. You may...

Marin Senior Fair
Join us for the 36th Annual Marin Senior Fair Wednesday, September 18, 2024 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Marin Center Exhibit Hall

Wow, it has been quite an...

Supporting Mental Health in Aging Parents and Breaking the Stigma

Supporting mental health in aging parents starts with recognizing the signs and addressing the stigma around mental health care.

Mental health is...